A Video From Brooklyn Boulders

Hey! Short update:

After I climbed in florida, I climbed for 3 days straight, which is a huge improvement from the past month of injury!

I have no endurance and I'm very very sore. Over the weekend I climbed at Brooklyn Boulders, It's always really fun there!

I just wanted to put up a video that I took of a pretty V7 I sent there.

I sent the problem, got really pumped, and took a vid. In the vid i dont send it.

I guess you dont have to believe me that I sent it in 3 tries, or that i sent it at all, lol

But here's the video nonetheless

btw: after changing a tire last saturday during the apocalyptic weather, I hurt my wrist a little bit...It seems to be getting back to normal again, it just got a little swollen.

Hueco is a week from friday! need to build endurance...


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